The Manager - Edition 36 - from Rob Lambert
Cultivated Management Newsletter
I hope you've had a great weekend and are looking forward to starting a brand new week. As usual, links are below to some articles but this week I've been thinking about the role of inspiration in our lives.
I did a talk earlier this week in Coventry for a group of technologists - mostly testers, and the feedback was overwhelming - it seems I hit a mark, was on better form than I've been for a while (health and stress were big causes of my dip) and it's a brand new talk (always trying new things with new talks which means I have to put a lot more effort in).
I was inspired by those I met and the comments after. And it seems many attendees were also inspired to move ahead with their career - that's the point of my talk so I guess I'm close to having a version I'm happy with.
It reminded me of how important it is to surround yourself with people who inspire you - not bring you down. But more importantly, it reminded me how important it is to choose a manager and executive team that inspire you.
If you're looking to move your career ahead - choose to do that with managers who inspire you. You'll need that inspiration when the going gets tough. But it's also a more worthwhile career when you're committing your energy to someone you like.
And if you're a manager - aim to make some of your day a chance to chat to your directs, present to them or get stuck in to the work with them. Lead by example. Inspire by example too.
Good luck.
Until next time.
Stuff To Click On :
1 - Why don't more companies shrink in order to grow?
2 - Can allowing remote working increase productivity?
3 - The Japanese have a word that roughly translates as "unread books that pile up". Sounds like my bookshelf. I wonder whether this word translates accurately for my Kindle being full of books not read?
4 - Brilliant writer's cheat sheet.
5 - The world of work will still need humans. For now anyway.
Thanks for reading this week's edition of The Manager.